Monday 7 March 2011

Back to work in Blighty!

Following the dizzying events in New York it's taken a few days for me to re-acclimatize to working from my studio in Southport. For a start there's the view through the window by my desk overlooking a cemetery -  dead dull in comparison to the Gotham City skyline of NY. If I want a 'cawfee' I have to make it myself in the kitchen; the nearest place 'to go' being The Salvation Army Coffee House which, even if it did do heavenly 'frothy coffee', doesn't open till ten in the morning. And then it's OH SO QUIET! From the city that never sleeps to the town I'm not sure is awake... I'm missing the street sounds; the HONKING and sirens and outbursts of cussing in New York vernacular; the 'Have a nice day' and the 'Thank you Ma'am'. I can just hear the neighbour's dog yapping and a milk float floating by...

But then again I've got a skyscraper of paperwork to attend to and some very promising follow-up meetings coming up. My Co-director, Stu, is off to see Milky Tea, the animation and interactive production company based in Liverpool on Thursday then the wonderful children's writer, Davey Moore, is coming over again on Friday. He's one of the writers on Rastamouse, the massive new CBeebies hit. I'm looking forward to telling him 'wagwan' since we saw each other last month. I know he's got some really exciting news!

Rastamouse Mania

 So I guess it's good to be back after all. I just need to wean myself back onto Yorkshire tea in my new I heart NY mug... Sigh.